Thursday, January 12, 2012

What a good day for an update!

I have to say though, I myself have been going through some serious stress the past few days... It's a doozy.

So, I got a letter from unemployment with some questions I had to fill out, on the 6th about the mini investigation on my case. I filled them out and sent them back in the very next day. And yesterday, Chris Sr's old bad habit shows up, where he likes to get the mail but leaves it in his car for an undetermined amount of time. I had a letter sitting in his car for God knows how long, telling me that because I live in GA, and my claim is through FL, I have to file an interstate claim by 10 days from the date on the letter. The date on the letter is 12-30-11. The postmark says they didn't send it out until 1-3-12. I didn't get it until 1-11-12.

Now, I panic because this action that needed to be taken is 2 days late and I don't know when I'll be able to make it all the way down to Marietta, where the nearest branch of the Georgia Department of Labor is. Now, what doesn't help me any is that they decided to wait 4 days to send the letter out as it is. That I blame them for. So I call the number in the letter and after a half hour of behind on hold I finally get through to someone who lets me know that as long as I get in on the next day (today) then everything would be fine, and to bring the letter as proof to them that it didn't get sent out until 4 days after the letter was dated. BTW, I told a small lie and told them I had just gotten it in the mail, rather than had it withheld without me knowing. Looks better that way, and ultimately helped my case.

So, Xan was nice enough to loan me some cash for gas money to get out to the place to get this little investigation off of my file so they can see I'm not trying to commit any kind of fraud. As soon as I get that handled, I called unemployment to let them know I filed the interstate claim, as I was told to by the GDL. The lady who answered the phone actually knew what the Hell she was doing, unlike some of the people who had already spoken to me about everything going on. She ACTUALLY looked into details and FIXED things for me that other people had screwed up in the system. She sat there and asked me so many questions that I knew I had answered in the paperwork they sent me, and the answers they had in the system, stuff they got back from Ryla, were all so incorrect I had to tell her right stuff and she fixed it with me right there on the phone.

Now that everything is fixed, I will be getting my unemployment again within the next two weeks, if the unemployment people can make sure to actual get their butts to work on it. But as of today there will no longer be a flag on my claim and things will be fixed. I'll also get the unemployment they've been withholding from me to get my account current. Only thing I'm still worried about is where am I going to get he money that I need by this Saturday? I need 110 for a bill that can't be ignored and then 45 if I want to keep my phone on for work. Oi...

So, let's recap. I'm no longer stressed about going to jail, I AM OFFICIALLY HIRED BY RYLA!!!, my unemployment is fixed and on it's way back to my pocket, and I only have one more stress at the moment...

I think that about covers it all lol. Take care everyone.


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